To commemorate the 100th Birth Centennial Celebrations of our Founder Chairman Sardar Jodh Singh ( 1920 – 2018 ) , a new modernized block called the “ SARDAR JODH SINGH BLOCK ” was inaugurated on 1st Feb 2020 by Sardarni Satnam Kaur ( Chairperson , JIS Group ). The block houses two dedicated SMART CLASSROOMS , one FLIP LEARNING CLASSROOM , one 350+ seater STATE OF THE ART AUDITORIUM , Student Alumni Centre , Student Counselling Area and the Student Enrichment Centre with Gymnasium Yoga & Cultural Centres.
The students at GNIDSR experience teaching as a totally enthralling experience with STATE OF THE ART equipment from CYBERNETYX GERMANY. The airconditioned Smart Classroom make learning a visual treat and enables the students to experience the lectures in all its dimensions. Easy interaction between different software’s enable the teachers to make the student understand the concepts of medicine and dentistry by showing videos and text simultaneously.

The classrooms are linked with our virtual E-Learning Portal designed by Hash Technologies which has more than 3 gigabytes of password protected teaching material available only to our students. Regular Case Based Learning Sessions and Problem Based Learning Sessions make our lecture classrooms the “ Virtual Clinic ” for our students.

Flip Learning is a modern concept of teaching in which the study material is given to the student prior to the class. The student who is partially prepared , enters the class with his array of doubts and queries. Teaching is not didactic but participatory and in small group discussion sessions.

Flip Learning Classroom Block
Focus is their on problem solving and practical applicability of the medical concepts , rather than on the textbook jargon. GNIDSR is the first private dental institution in Eastern India to house a FLIP LEARNING classroom. The classroom seats a capacity of 60+ , where students are given special training in Clinical Based , Simulation Based and Role Play Based teaching methods. The E-Learning Portal of our college makes sure the students come well prepared to these sessions.

Our Teachers are trained to deliver Medicine & Dentistry E-Content to our Students