Our first batch of six interns along with our accompanying faculty Dr Anupam Sarkar visited the IMU campus for 2 weeks for the 1st International Mobility / Observership Program from 12th October , 2019 to 25th Oct , 2019. Our International Student Cell ensured all the arrangements , along with Air Tickets , Visas , IMU documentation , Hotel Bookings and Health Insurance. It was made sure that the students who were selected for the program had an impeccable academic record throughout their graduate course.
Our students were given a warm welcome at IMU and Dr Rohit Pandurangappa was their program coordinator from IMU. The students had an enriching experience and got exposure to newer treatment modalities and equipment. The students were given exposure of Rotary Endodontics . Micro-Endodontics , CAD CAM ceramic work and dental implant surgery apart from the regular dentistry work. The students experienced an integrated method of treatment at the Oral Health Centre , IMU which was very different from the teaching methodology they were accustomed to back in India.

Our Six Students and Accompanying Faculty with Dean ( Prof Dr Allan Pau ) ( Centre ) and Program Coordinator ( Dr Rohit P ) ( Extreme Right )

The faculty had Reflexion Sessions with them after each days of clinical session to mitigate their doubts and clarifications they warranted. They experienced state of the art PPE and sterilisation practices and learnt about a plethora of new and advanced dental materials being used worldwide. They interacted with students of UK , Australia and New Zealand and Canada with whom IMU has partnership and exchange programs for graduates. Their program not just gave them exposure of clinical dentistry , the had specially designed sessions for Case / Problem Based Learning , Personality Development and Simulation Labs. Our accompanying faculty Dr Anupam Sarkar ensured that the students always felt safe and secure even when thousands of kilometres away from home. Overall a wonderful experience for all the participants , which was reflected in their feedback submitted to the college authorities.

Our Students with other Mobility Program Students from Slovenia

Our Students with Ninth Semester Students of IMU at the Oral Health Centre

Our Student experiencing Micro – Endodontics Session under guidance of IMU faculty

The Atmosphere at IMU was very informal and our students enjoyed the learning experience