Medical Teaching

Medical Teaching

Our Institute has a unique partnership with College of Medicine and Sagar Dutta Hospital ( CMSDH ) , Kamarhati. This strategic tie-up enables our students to gain access and training from the plethora of resources available in the above mentioned Government Medical College. The abundance of patients in the government hospital and rich academic faculty allows our students to learn and thrive their medical skills in the formative years of the curriculum.

An undergraduate student avails the facilities of the following departments in his curriculum to hone his medical knowledge and skills

  • 1st Year BDS – General Anatomy , Physiology , Biochemistry
  • 2nd Year BDS – General Pathology , General Microbiology , General Pharmacology
  • 3rd Year BDS - General Medicine & Ward / Clinics , General Surgery & Ward / Clinics

Moreover our postgraduate students of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery avail the facilities of Emergency Department , ENT , General Surgery , General Medicine , Orthopaedics , Opthalmology of CMSDH , Kamarhati as a mandatory observership during their curriculum.

A students who enters the course of dentistry benefits greatly from the exposure of a medical college & hospital. He and his peers experience the dedication and humane part of being a doctor , during his days in medical college. We believe that the correct attitude for budding doctors can only be created by exposing students to the hospital environment and direct interaction with the suffering patients.


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